What is ‘Supplier Connect’?
Supplier Connect is a feature on E1 that enables suppliers to see the tendering subbies on a project that matches their trades. Suppliers can then view the subbie’s Company Profile to access company contact details so they can reach out to provide a quote to assist the subbies in pricing the job.
Suppliers can promote their specified products or equivalent on projects where their trades match, and note their preferred contact details, so subbies can speed up their sourcing and quoting processes.
You can watch a comprehensive guide in this 5-minute video:
How can a subbie let suppliers know they’re tendering on a project?
Projects are identified when a subbie adds a project to their E1 Watchlist as either ‘Interested’, ‘Quoting’ or ‘Quoted’, and when a subbie responds to a builder invitation as 'Quoting'. Check out a video tutorial and overview of the other great benefits of using E1’s Watchlist feature here
What information will a supplier see?
Suppliers will see a list of all subcontractors that match their trades and are tendering on the project, including the name of the subcontractor's business, their office location and trades. They will also be able to view your full E1 company profile.
Will other subbies or builders see that I’m tendering on a project?
Only suppliers who have purchased our premium Professional or Professional Plus licences will have access to view tendering subbies, and E1 staff who onboard these customers will ensure that they are legitimate suppliers. However, we can’t guarantee that sharing of data will never or does not occur outside of the E1 platform.
Is E1 allowed to use subbie Watchlist and invitation data to reveal to suppliers who the tendering subbies are?
As per our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy “EstimateOne may use your personal information (including information submitted by you via the System/App and/or ForSite) and information about your business and projects to proactively suggest connections and contact between subcontractors and suppliers based on relevant factors including the nature of the services and products of subcontractors and suppliers.”
How can a subbie opt out of suppliers contacting them about projects?
If you don’t deal directly with suppliers, or don’t want suppliers reaching out to you, you can manage your preferences under Settings - Company Profile - Profile Settings. Setting your Watchlist preferences to ‘no-one’ will opt you out of Supplier Connect.
How can subbies see which suppliers relevant to their trade are specified or able to provide equivalent products on a project?
The Project Details page has a section titled ‘Suppliers’. This is where you can see any suppliers that match the trades you have set up against your subcontractor account, who have said their products are specified and/or they can provide equivalent products.
What if no suppliers are interested in a project that a subcontractor is interested in?
This will be reflected on the Project Details page and it is recommended that the subcontractor add the project to their Watchlist so that suppliers know they’re interested, and may proactively reach out to them. This will make it easier to track when any new suppliers flag their interest.