Managing Invitations and Requests

A guide to managing invitations from builders, and requests for documents from your team

4 min read

Project Invitations Overview

Invitations are sent from builders to you or your team to request quotes from subbies and suppliers for any projects they have created via E1. You will also receive Invitations automatically when you access project documentation on E1.

You can watch a short tutorial video here:

Invitations will show up on the Invitations tab under Invitations and Requests, you’ll receive an email alert too. You’ll see Invitations for projects in the Open stage in the Active section, and those that have passed the Quote Due Date in the Archive section.

You can search for projects in the Search bar, and use the Response to Builder filter to find projects by your response type.

Viewing Invitations by Team Member

Invitations will be visible to your whole team, and you can also use the Invited Team Member filter to view Invitations by any team member/s. To view all invitations sent to your business, choose the ‘Select all’ option.

Managing Invitation Responses

Although you may not work with the builders directly, it’s important to respond to invitations by using the Your Response dropdown menu. You can select either ‘Quoting’ as an indication of your interest and intent to submit pricing, or ‘Not Quoting’, along with a reason for the decline. This can be done from the main Invitations screen, or from the individual invitation.

Updating the Response status can help keep you and your team on top of your workflow. The status will also automatically update the project on the builder side to help them manage their invitations. Builders will see a responsiveness rating within their address book that highlights if you’re responsive to their invitations or not, so it’s good practice to maintain a habit of responding.

If you are intending on sending a quote, either via the E1 platform or via email, select the ‘Quoting’ option. Builders will update the status to ‘Quoted’ once received, and this happens automatically if you use the Quote feature on the Quotes tab.

Marking the status as ‘Not Quoting’ lets the builder know why you’re not quoting, and that they don't need to follow up with you if they haven't heard from you yet. A status of ‘Not Quoting’ still counts as responsive on the builder side, so choose either option instead of leaving the Status blank.

If you'd prefer to manage your workflow internally, without responding to the builders themselves, you can do this within your account Watchlist. Again, though, we refer to the point above - builders like to see that the companies they invite are active.

Responding to Invitations from an email

You can also respond to an invitation from the notification email. If you are logged in to E1, you’ll be taken to the project slider and can select your intention to quote or not quote, including the option to nominate a quote decline reason.

If you are not logged in, you can respond directly from the invitation, but won’t be able to choose a quote decline reason when selecting ‘Not Quoting’.

Managing who is receiving Invitations

Each builder manages their private list of contacts within their account.

If invitations are coming across to an incorrect contact within your company, reaching out to the builders will be the best way to get that fixed up.

You can see who from your team is invited to a project at any stage by going to the Team tab, or by using the Invited Team Member filter on the Invitations tab.

Understanding the Doc Status Column

The Doc Status column shown on both the Invitations & Requests tabs allows you to identify whether your downloaded documentation is still current.

Any packages that you are yet to download will appear as ‘Not Accessed’, and packages that have been revised by the builder but the updated version hasn’t yet been accessed, will have a status of ‘Out of Date

You can download and view documents in a package for the projects you have access to any time by clicking either the ‘Download Documents’ icon, or ‘View Documents’ icon for a web based version. If the Status shows as ‘Out of Date’ there will be an additional option to download just the revised documents (Download Revisions)

Unsubscribing from a project or a specific builder invitations

You may want to stop receiving updates such as addendums about a particular project, or perhaps stop receiving any future invitations from a particular builder.

You can manage these settings via the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the invitation.

You will now have the option to unsubscribe from that particular project, or from all future invites from the inviting builder.

Once you’ve made your selection, click ‘Save’.

Requests Overview

Requests on E1 are generated when you request documentation from a builder on a project when the builder has nominated an approval process. Builders choose to make project documents available to all without the need for approval, or they can choose to review each request on a case by case basis when creating projects.

How to manage Requests

You will receive an email notification once a builder has accepted or rejected your request.

The Pending tab will hold any Requests outstanding, if it’s been a while we suggest reaching out to the builder directly. Any Requests that have an outcome will be moved to the Archive tab with a Status of Approved or Declined, and the project will also now be visible in the Invitations section.

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