How to Reset Your Password

2 min read

If you’ve forgotten your password, or simply want to change it, the below instructions can help.

Please note that our support team do not have visibility on any password and are unable to advise your current/forgotten password.

Forgotten password

If you’ve forgotten your password, click ‘Forgot password?’ from the login screen.

We’ll send an email to your registered email address with a link to generate a new password. Click ‘Yes, Reset my Password’ in the banner of the email.

You will now be taken to the password reset screen.

Note that your new password must contain at least one number, at least one special character (e.g. $%&#!), and both upper and lower case letters.

Enter your new password in the first field, and re-enter it to confirm it in the second field. Once you’ve added the new details, click ‘Reset Password & Login.’

You will now be able to use your new password.

Change a known password

If you simply want to update your password, but recall your current one, head to Settings - My Profile and click the ‘Update Password’ button.

The password reset screen will appear.

You’ll need to enter your current password, then enter your new password in the ‘New password’ field, and re-enter it to confirm it in the ‘Confirm password’ field.

Once you’ve added the new details, click ‘Set password’, and you’re done.

Note that your new password must contain at least one number, at least one special character (e.g. $%&#!), and both upper and lower case letters.

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